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LHAM: Tertium Quid (CD 2025 - 13)


Loyal to his sound signature and production for the label Silentes, it is also under the moniker of LHAM in collaboration with Bruno De Angelis (Mana ERG) that Giuseppe Verticchio has recently published new releases. The two artists are known for their respective contributions to the unprecedented development of ambient dronescapes and adventurous experimental music with a moody atmospheric vibes. If the two previous LHAM opus’ were turned to ominous and electronic spaciness with an amount of synthetic arrangements and orchestrations punctuated by ethereal melodic guitar sequences in a new age, then post-rock tone, Tertium Quid follows a similar path but admits more emphasize on orchestrated cinematic grooves, chamber-pop melodicism, sampled collage, and spoken word with a clear call to be immersed in a reflective naturescape tendency, inviting the listener to be guided in a sentient vastness where shapes, time, moods, variations and colors are journeying around him.
Once more the duo shines through warm textures and playful instrumental patterns, with a joyful inclination and positive flavor which envelop all the compositions with a delicate veil. Some mysterious ethno-ritual resonances and hypno-ish electro rhythms seconded by string orchestrations are progressively coming to the fore to make this album a hybrid of transportive sounds, gently moving and leading the listener in spiritual strolls to far away lands and to vertical brightness.
All in all this project operates a syncretism between smoothly synthetic mysticism, music for films or fiction documentaries and waves of electronic-driven beats. If you like rhythms and textures with colorful juxtapositions you may like to give Tertium Quid a try. Recommended for a subtle and unexpected stylistic balance between Alva Noto, Clint Mansell, The End Of The Ocean, Spacetime Continnum, Woob, and Martin Nonstatic.
- Philippe Blache - Igloomag


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