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NIMH: Line of Fire (CD-R 2005 - Silentes - Second Edition)
Nimh is the other solo project of Giuseppe Verticchio, who already released the excellent "Distant Skylines". This work has its backbone in synthsizers, mostly digital ones I guess, though the sound is pretty "analogue" in a lot of passages. Two long tracks (27' and 25') with a lot of inner variations and possible sub-divisions. Sometimes there are several layers with aggressive patterns, sometimes they are reduced to a dark rumbling drone - environmental noises and voices (is it Russian?) only help in creating a tense, breath-taking atmosphere of panic and siege. Judging by the cover the work is inspired by war sceneries, effectively evoked by these cold, corrosive sounds. Avevo avuto recentemente modo di ascoltare Nimh sulla compilation "Beyond the Sound", lì presente con il brano "Streets of Teheran", un electro song interamente giocata sui samples d'ambiente. Il materiale presente in "Line of Fire" rimane concettualmente vicino all'Oriente e alle sue problematiche, ma nella formula sonora trova più spazio la parte elettronica. La storia raccontata da Nimh è divisa in due "tempi", di circa ventisei minuti l'uno, e parte da qualche sperduto villaggio mediorientale dove il tono dei dialoghi fa pensare ad una partenza, al distacco di alcuni uomini da altri. Un vivo senso di "attesa" che cresce e si "concretizza" con la comparsa di un loop ridondante che lascia il posto a nuovi dialoghi ed ad un drone molto più oscuro ed ambient. Musica di una civiltà a noi lontana irrompe nella scena col solo scopo di farci prendere un attimo di respiro; l'eco di quelle melodie scompare e riappare una lavica onda sonora che, variando brevemente il suo corso, ci conduce alla fine del brano. L'ordinata alternanza di samples e industrial è presente anche nel secondo brano. caratterizzato dalla presenza di drones maggiormente complessi e dinamici, che risultano più efficaci di quelli presenti nella prima traccia. E se un canto etnico ci immergono all'interno di questa dimenticata comunità, "fotografata" durante un intimo rituale sociale, le atmosfere più calme e rilassate devono lasciare il posto ad un nuovo conflitto, "materializzato" da un richiamo al loop che ha aperto questo "Line of Fire". E' necessario sottolineare la capacità di Nimh di rendere "concreto" il proprio concept, riuscendo a calare l'ascoltatore nei paesaggi immaginati. Tuttavia, non tutti gli studi sui suoni presenti si assestano sullo stesso livello e la difficoltà della proposta rende ostico un approccio da parte di coloro che non apprezzano il genere trattato. [Review of First Edition, 2001 - Private Release]. As composer, Giuseppe Verticchio is active since 1994 and now he released 5 solo albums and 5 albums of his side-project Nimh. The main difference is in instrumentation: Nimh is strictly electronic project, while solo works are often based on various exotic acoustic instruments like didgeridoo, gong, xylophone etc. "Line Of Fire" is debut album of Nimh, very unusual in terms of dark ambient because it sounds like a soundtrack for report about military operatons in the Middle East region. Anxious synthesizer tremolo is the background for the broadcast transmissions in english, italian, arabian and even russian languages, correspondent's questions, radiovoices and refugees' monologues. Colliding with the trance atmosphere of washed electronics, it takes the listener away to the distant lands of never ending summer and everpresent danger. This dangerous feeling is nevertheless also very distant, otherworld, like in a dream. The safe media-excursus is very different from ethnoritual and world-music, thanks to emphasized impartiality. However, it has unique attitude and contains even more reflections and meditation than whole archieve of TV-news and summaries. Unfortunately, all Giuseppe Verticchio albums are self-released CDRs so you can get it only through contacting him directly. But if we will have some luck, two new official albums will be released soon on italian ambient label Amplexus, watch out for them! "Line of Fire" è un lavoro elettronico contenente due sole lunghe tracce che pero' mutano e si evolvono continuamente trasportando l'ascoltatore da un lato all'altro del suo universo sonoro. Un universo fatto di tese e cupe atmosfere create con massiccio uso di synths analogici (?), incomprensibili voci russe (?), suoni ambientali meccanici, mezzi in movimento. LFO impazziti conferiscono a tratti pienezza e una pesante carica di tensione, poi smorzata da quasi silenzi e ripresa da suggestive scariche di energia naturale. Un riuscito alternarsi di sensazioni claustrofobiche e di forte impatto emotivo, con il grosso pregio di rendere i suoni creati dalle macchine utilizzate per la creazione del disco, a volte più naturali di quelli realmente catturati ed "imprigionati" in queste complesse partiture. L'unico difetto che (forse un po' forzatamente) si può trovare è la troppa similitudine tra le due parti del disco. Listen to Nimh and you will be strongly convinced that music allows us to face up the tragedy of human existence. Line of Fire was born as a conceptual album about disaster, war and resistance forces in the margins of humanity outside of the West world. Line of Fire suggests a direct dialogue, parallel with the notion of memory, mnemonic traces and the practice of spiritual meditation on collective tragedy. Line of Fire is a precious exercise of attention and listening, exploring a vast panel of concrete sounds, narratives that are progressively covered by absolutely magic like electronic buzzing effects and extended synthesised chords driving like madness & possession. The first composition works like a ritual purification, transforming our usual schemas of listening. Musically speaking, it reveals a closed relationships with old intuitive, conceptual sound experimentations from the French GRM (group of musical research) and particularly with Parmegiani and the heavenly inspired proportions of his electronic abstract orchestrations. The second composition develops relatively similar ritual droning sequences connected with over stimulating sensations. I can only regret the lack of improvement from one piece to the other, it reduced the experience to one similar theme, developed endlessly. Line of Fire remains an intense musical experience that affects our common ideas and the way to perceive sound objects. An other very distinctive album from this musical project. Another cracker from Silentes limited edition offshoot imprint. This comes from Nimh - prolific producer of dark ambient music - and is a 2 piece work of some substance. Deep, incredibly atmospheric sounds that are layered with skill and care and a real sense of density. At times it's oppressive, but in the best possible way. Pop it on headphones and drift away for hours... lovely (although that's probably not really the right word!). Nimh is Giuseppe Verticchio's new monicker, after releasing under his proper name for a long time. Gloom, heavy electronic textures, over which islamic voices and environmental depiction of a war zone entwine. Sounds like being there in a nightmare, definitely. Static, suspended, a feeling of hopelessness and human suffering all over, pernicious, persistent. Scarcely noted, high quality colour printed sleeve, that seems to invite you to drown in the listening experience - and come out transformed.